Cleaner Division

Our grain cleaning team combines experience in design, installation, troubleshooting and maintenance.

Optimize Your Grain Operation

Our dedicated team goes beyond maintaining your grain cleaning system.

We empower our clients with the knowledge and expertise to ensure smooth, ongoing facility operation. This commitment to client success extends to providing an in-depth understanding of your grain cleaning equipment, ensuring it performs at its peak capacity.

Preventative Maintenance Inspections

We identify areas for improvement and keep your facility running smoothly, all inspections come with comprehensive reporting.

Training & Consulting

We offer training and consulting programs to optimize your team's skills and knowledge.

Equipment Overhauls

Our equipment overhauls provide a cost-effective alternative to equipment replacement.


Ensure a seamless startup with our commissioning services.

General Maintenance & Repairs

From routine maintenance to emergency repairs, we've got you covered!

Parts & Equipment Procurement

We leverage our industry expertise to source high-quality parts and equipment at competitive prices.